The Wordsworths' fifth and final child, son William, is born. The Wordsworths' fourth child, daughter Catherine, is born. The book contains the poem "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood." Wordsworth publishes the collection Poems in Two Volumes. The Wordsworths' third child, son Thomas, is born.

William's younger brother, 33-year-old John Wordsworth, dies in a shipwreck Wordsworth finishes his "poem to Coleridge" but refuses to publish it until he has completed The Recluse, a long piece for which the "poem to Coleridge" would be a prologue. She inspires many of his poems, beginning with "Address to My Infant Daughter." The Wordsworths' second child, Dorothy "Dora" Wordsworth, is born. William and Mary's first child, a son named John, is born. When he returns to England, Wordsworth marries Mary Hutchinson, a schoolmate and longtime friend. William and Dorothy Wordsworth travel to France so that Wordsworth can meet his daughter-Caroline-and make arrangements for her support with Annette Vallon. During his life Wordsworth calls the unpublished work the "poem to Coleridge " it is later known as The Prelude. He has begun work on an autobiographical poem about his experience in France. Wordsworth lives in Grasmere for the rest of his life. William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy move back to Lake District and settle in the village of Grasmere. In a preface to the second edition, Wordsworth warns the audience that they will either love or hate his new style of poetry.
#Wordsworth famous poetry free#
Wordsworth and Coleridge publish Lyrical Ballads, a collection of poems written in "language really used by men," free of the "gaudiness and inane phraseology of many modern writers."34 The book sparks the Romantic Age of English literature. Wordsworth produces the poem "Tintern Abbey," and Coleridge writes "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner." They collaborate on a groundbreaking collection of poetry. For a year, the two poets are in daily contact with one another, a period that proves to be a vital creative period for both of them. Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy move closer to Coleridge. He meets fellow poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the two become close friends. Wordsworth receives a small inheritance from a friend and sets up house in Dorset, England with his sister Dorothy. Wordsworth publishes his first poetry collections, Descriptive Sketches and An Evening Walk. When war breaks out in France the following year, Wordsworth is unable to return to his family. Vallon later gives birth to the couple's daughter Caroline. Wordsworth runs out of money and is forced to leave France, leaving behind a pregnant Annette Vallon. Leaves France before his first daughter is born He falls in love with a French woman named Annette Vallon.

In November, he travels to France and is fascinated by the Republican movement. Wordsworth receives his bachelor's degree from Cambridge University.

He publishes his first piece of writing, a sonnet in The European Magazine. The siblings are separated for nine years. His sister Dorothy is sent to live with relatives in Yorkshire. William Wordsworth is sent to school in Hawkshead, a village in England's Lake District. Wordsworth's mother Ann Cookson Wordsworth dies. He is the second of five children of John and Ann Wordsworth. William Wordsworth is born in Cockermouth, in the northwestern English county of Cumberland.